
In September 2021, Eva started an internship to help people experiencing homelessness in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the town where we live.

She could have had an easy internship, taking care of a couple of clients in the area waiting to be housed but she decided instead to take it seriously, very very seriously. I was taken away by her enthusiasm to not just help, but in her own words end homelessness.

She collected clothes, toiletry, sleeping bags and all sort of useful things from the housed people of Cambridge and every Wednesday she would give them away to the unhoused neighbors of Cambridge. She joined and created advocacy groups that tackle the issues of the unhoused, organized events, wrote letters, protest and made her voice heard. A volcano of ideas and solutions. And a kindness of a species that doesn’t exist anymore.

Among her ideas, one in particular caught my attention because I thought I could actually give a significant and unique contribution. Using personal knowledge and old lists of addresses, she created a Google My Maps of resources for the unhoused people, including shelter, food, free internet access, housing resources, healthcare and much more. It’s fantastic and you can find it here: Cambridge Resources for People Experiencing Homelessness

But of course, unhoused people often don’t have a smartphone and that’s why I put together this little R code to create static maps ready to be printed that can be easily stored in a pocket. Ok, maybe the final result needs a final touch on a vector graphics editor but this code is going to save hours of painful and error-prone manual design.

I encourage everyone to create their own map for their community, modify and improve the code, print it and share it to every unhoused person in need. They deserve it.

Note about the map

This first iteration of the map contains a lot of information that can’t be easily put together in a single map.

Some of the places didn’t have a physical address, for example, and they were put all together along the Charles River. In this case, Google provides an address that is useful to point the resource on the map but it’s simply wrong. The description provides the real address/information in this case.

Another issue is that some resources provide multiple services and are therefore reported twice. In that case we simply kept the row with the longest description.

We won’t provide specific adjustments to the map to account for these imprecisions, but instead just try to provide a general code that can be easily adapted for a different map.

Step 0: libraries setup

We are going to use a lot of different libraries in this session, here reported divided by category

Geomapping packages:

String manipulation and data wrangling:

Plotting tools:

Table drawing:


# This is a wrapper around flextable that I often use in my reports
flextableize <- function(df , merge=NULL , footnote=NULL 
                         , lines = NULL , theme = "zebra" ){
    dfFlex <- flextable::flextable(df)
    if(length(theme)==1 && theme == "zebra"){
        dfFlex <- flextable::theme_zebra(dfFlex)
    dfFlex <- flextable::bg(dfFlex, bg = "lightblue3", part = "header")
    dfFlex <- flextable::color(dfFlex, color = "white", part = "header")
    dfFlex <- flextable::color(dfFlex, color = "white", part = "header")
        dfFlex <- flextable::merge_v(dfFlex , j = merge)
    if( !is.null(lines) ){
        for(i in lines){
            myvar <- df[ , i]
            blackMultip <- c(FALSE , ! sapply( 2:nrow(df) , function(x) {
                myI <- myvar[x] == myvar[x-1]
            blackMultip <- (1:nrow(df))[ blackMultip ]
            dfFlex <- flextable::hline(dfFlex
                , i = blackMultip - 1
                , j = NULL
                , border = officer::fp_border(color="black", style="solid", width=2)
                , part = "body")
        dfFlex <- flextable::footnote( dfFlex, i = 1, j = 1:2,
               value = flextable::as_paragraph(footnote),
               ref_symbols = "*",
               part = "header")
    # dfFlex <- flextable::autofit(dfFlex)

Step 1: Find where we are

The first step is locating the boundaries of interest. To get access to the Cambridge map we will use the ggmap library. To access Google Maps, you will need an API key from and enable Java maps and static maps.

mylocation <- "9VJG+F4 Cambridge, Massachusetts"
# Get the map of Cambridge
# Zoom 13, see details in get_googlemap and play around with this number
# Turn off human made locations and points of interest
myMap0 <- get_googlemap(mylocation , zoom = 13
    , style = list( c(feature="landscape",element="labels",visibility="off") 
                    , c(feature="poi",element="labels",visibility="off")))

This map of Cambridge is the right level of zoom but it’s not centered very well. We need a map that matches our resource locations better. Let’s see the map!

Step 2: Get My Google Map

Step 2 is downloading the kml file containing the resources information

Go to the online map, look in the options and select Download KML and then check the box that says “Export as KML instead of KMZ. Does not support all icons.” Click download.

For simplicity, the file is available at this dropbox link

# Change the dl=0 to dl=1
url <- ""
kml <- tempfile(fileext = ".kml")
download.file(url , destfile = kml)

Find layers

To find the layers of this map, we are going to use ogrinfo through its rgdal wrapper ogrInfo. You need ogrinfo in your PATH, which is part of the GDAL library. There are many ways to obtain GDAL listed in the resources but for Mac users like me, homebrew was the easiest solution (not listed in the download page)

mylayers <- ogrListLayers(kml)
cat(mylayers , sep="\n")
## Food
## Shelter and Transitional Housing
## Drop-In Centers
## Healthcare
## Computer and Internet Access
## Housing Supports and Resources
## Benefits and Services
## Employment

Open each layer separately

To open the KML file we need readOGR from the rgdal package. It requires 2 arguments, the kml file path and the layer name.

# Loop over the layers and open all of them
mydoc <- lapply( mylayers , function(x) {
  readOGR(kml , x , verbose = FALSE)
}) %>% setNames(mylayers)
# Show number of resources per layer and add Total
resourceNum <- sapply(mydoc , function(x) nrow(x@data)) %>% c(. , Total = sum(.))
kableExtra::kable(data.frame( Resource = resourceNum))
Food 34
Shelter and Transitional Housing 18
Drop-In Centers 10
Healthcare 33
Computer and Internet Access 12
Housing Supports and Resources 12
Benefits and Services 34
Employment 12
Total 165

We have a total of 165 resources. The map might be crowded so it’s better to create only one layer for now.

For each layer, we are interested in 2 slots, data and coords.

The data slot Contains the info manually entered in the Google Map. It’s made of two columns, Name and Description. The first one is the name of the place that was added to the Google Map, while the other is free text separated by html tags.

kableExtra::kable( head(mydoc[["Food"]]@data , 5) )
Name Description
Free & Daily, All Ages: Lunch at Salvation Army 402 Massachusetts Avenue; Central<br>617-547-3400<br><br>Lunch served Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 12pm;<br>Saturday at 11:30am; and Sunday at 1pm. Free of cost.
Nightly Takeaway Dinners: Harvard Square Homeless Shelter 66 Winthrop Street; Harvard<br>617-547-2841<br><br>The shelter serves take-away meals every night of the week at 8:30pm. November<br>15 to April 15 only
Tu&Th Food Pantry: Citywide Senior Center 806 Massachusetts Avenue; Central<br>617-349-6060<br>Tuesday from 2 to 4pm; and Thursday from 12 to 2pm. For people aged 55 and<br>older.
Tu&Th Food Pantry @ CEOC Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC)<br>11 Inman St. (OUTSIDE), Cambridge<br>Tuesday 12-2pm<br>Thursday 11am-1pm
Tu-Fri Food Pantry: Cambridge Community Center 5 Callender Street (OUTSIDE), Cambridge<br>Tuesday-Friday 1-3 p.m. (or until supplies run out)

Coordinates to find these points can be found in the coords slot

head(mydoc[["Food"]]@coords , 3)
##      coords.x1 coords.x2 coords.x3
## [1,] -71.10036  42.36303         0
## [2,] -71.11984  42.37176         0
## [3,] -71.10643  42.36687         0

Parse the kml file

Let’s try to parse everything together inside an lapply layer by layer and then recombine in one single dataframe

# Loop through the layer names
mydocParse <- lapply(names(mydoc) , function(x) {
    doc2 <- mydoc[[x]]
    # Extract the data slot and turn it into a dataframe without factors
    mydata <- , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Remove html tags from the description and collapse the lines by \n
    # Remove multiple spaces and substitute them with single spaces
    mydata$description <- unlist(lapply( 
      strsplit( gsub("\\s{2,}" , " " , as.character(mydata$Description)) , "<.*?>") 
      , function(x) {
        x <- x[ x!= ""]
        paste(x , collapse = "\n")
    # Add Coordinates
    mydata <- cbind(mydata , doc2@coords)
    # Remove original columns
    mydata$Description <- NULL
    # Create a more compact text for very long names and descriptions
    # Every line should not be longer than 50 characters
    # The base function strwrap is meant exactly for this purpose
    # We split first and put together by \n
    mydata$Info <- sapply( lapply(mydata$Name , function(k) {
        strwrap(k , width = 30 , simplify = TRUE)
      }) , function(z) paste(z , collapse = "\n"))
    mydata$Name <- NULL
    mydata$description2 <- sapply( 
      lapply(mydata$description , function(k) {
        strwrap(k , width = 1000 , simplify = TRUE)
      }) , function(z) paste(z , collapse = "\n"))
    # Find Addresses
    # To do that, we need to run a reversed geolocalization 
    # with revgeocode from package ggmap
    # The default result is not always correct, 
    # so we ask for all addresses and keep the first complete one
    # Might need a manual inspection!
    addresses <- apply( mydata , 1 , function(x) {
        out <- revgeocode(location = as.numeric( x[c("coords.x1","coords.x2")])
                          , output = "all")
        outAddress <- sapply(out$results , function(x) x$formatted_address)
        # Take the first result with 4 component, Address, City, Zipcode, Country
        components <- str_count(string=outAddress , pattern=",")+1
        return( outAddress[ which(components %in% 4)[1]])
    addressesSplit <- strsplit(addresses , ", ") %>%"rbind" , .) %>% %>% 
      setNames(c("Address" , "City" , "Zipcode" , "Country"))
    mydata <- cbind(mydata , addressesSplit)
    # Combine name of the place and Address
    mydata$Info2 <- paste0( "\n" 
                      , paste(mydata$Info , mydata$Address , sep = "\n") 
                      , "\n")
    mydata$Resource <- x
}) %>%"rbind" , .) %>%
# Remove duplicate addresses
# One resource is in 2 categories and we choose the one with the longer description
mydocParse <- mydocParse[ !duplicated(mydocParse$Info2) , ]
# Add a number, it will change when we reorder the resources for the plot
mydocParse$Num <- 1:nrow(mydocParse)

After parsing and duplicate removal, we are left with 164 resources.

Get a map centered around our resources

The original map of Cambridge is not properly centered for our resources. To get a better map, we need to center it around the mean coordinates of our resources.

We are going to feed the center of the map directly to get_googlemap using a mean of the two coordinates in our kml file.

myMap <- get_googlemap(
  center = c(lon = mean(mydocParse$coords.x1), lat = mean(mydocParse$coords.x2)) 
  , zoom = 13
  , style = list( c(feature="landscape",element="labels",visibility="off") 
                    , c(feature="poi",element="labels",visibility="off")))

This one looks definitely better!

Step 3: Plot a layer

Let’s start with one layer, Food, containing 34 resources.

First, adjust the data. Remove resources outside of the boundaries of the map, reorder by coordinates.

# Find the map boundaries
bound <- unlist(attributes(myMap)$bb)
# Let's start with one layer
mydataCamb <- mydocParse[ mydocParse$Resource == "Food" , ]
# Check that coordinates are within the map boundaries
goodCoo <- with(mydataCamb 
                , coords.x1 > bound["ll.lon"] & coords.x1 < bound["ur.lon"] & 
                  coords.x2 > bound[""] & coords.x2 < bound[""])
mydataCamb <- mydataCamb[ goodCoo , ]
# Order by coordinates, West to East and North to South
mydataCamb <- mydataCamb[ order(-mydataCamb$coords.x2 , -mydataCamb$coords.x1) ,]
# New numbers that follow the coordinates order
mydataCamb$Num <- 1:nrow(mydataCamb)

Now let’s plot the map, the points of interest and a legend with Name and Address

# Draw the map
myplot <- ggmap(myMap , extent = "device") + 
  geom_point(data = mydataCamb , aes(x = coords.x1 , y = coords.x2) 
             , color = "lightblue" , size = 3.5)+
  geom_text(data = mydataCamb 
            , aes(x = coords.x1 , y = coords.x2, label=Num , color = Info2)
            , size = 4)+
  # This creates a legend for geom_text that is a 
  # series of 'a' that we have to substitute manually
    legend.key = element_blank(),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 8),
        # legend.key.size = unit(3,"line"),
        legend.text=element_text(size = 5),
         panel.background = element_blank(),
         plot.background = element_rect(fill='transparent', color=NA),
         panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
         panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
         legend.background = element_blank(), = element_blank())+
   guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 2 
            , title="Food Resources for people experiencing homelessness in Cambridge"))
# Adjust the legend
# Substitute the 'a' with numbers and set the fontsize to 7
g <- ggplotGrob(myplot)
lbls <- mydataCamb$Num
idx <- which(sapply(g$grobs[[15]][[1]][[1]]$grobs,function(i){
  "label" %in% names(i)}))
for(i in 1:length(idx)){
g$grobs[[15]][[1]][[1]]$grobs[[idx[i]]]$label <- lbls[i]
g$grobs[[15]][[1]][[1]]$grobs[[idx[i]]]$gp$fontsize <- 7
# Save as pdf, A4 size
pdf(file.path(myRoot , "Cambridge Food Resources v1.pdf") , width = 11 , height = 8.5)


To check the final result, take a look at the generated pdf rather than this document that was adapted to fit an html page The result is not bad but there are a few problems:

Step 4: Plot the whole map

To plot everything we need a new aesthetics for geom_points.

In addition, we want the number labels to not overlap with each other. We can use ggrepel for this.

To prepare the data we order by resource and coordinates first, remove resources outside of the boundaries and lock the position of factor variables.

# Order by coordinates for each resource type 
mydataCambAll <- mydocParse[ order(mydocParse$Resource 
                                   , -mydocParse$coords.x2 
                                   , -mydocParse$coords.x1) , ]
# Check that coordinates are within the map boundaries
goodCoo2 <- with(mydataCambAll 
                , coords.x1 > bound["ll.lon"] & coords.x1 < bound["ur.lon"] & 
                  coords.x2 > bound[""] & coords.x2 < bound[""])
# 5 resources are outside of the city boundaries and won't be considered
mydataCambAll <- mydataCambAll[ goodCoo2 , ]
# New numbers that follow the coordinates order
mydataCambAll$Num <- 1:nrow(mydataCambAll)
# Transform Resource into a factor
mydataCambAll$Resource <- factor(mydataCambAll$Resource 
                            , levels = sort(unique(mydataCambAll$Resource)))
# Lock Info into a factor that keeps the same order of the dataframe
mydataCambAll$Info2 <- factor(mydataCambAll$Info2 , levels = mydataCambAll$Info2)

Now let’s create the plot. We need a bright 8-color palette, a new fill aesthetic and setup an extra legend

# Create a custom palette that's visible over the map
myPalette <- brewer.pal(8, "Set1")
# Substitute the yellow with a darker hue
myPalette[6] <- "#CCCC00"
names(myPalette) <- sort(unique(mydataCambAll$Resource))
# Draw the map
myplotAll <- ggmap(myMap , extent = "device") + 
    # Add a little shading, border black, add fill aesthetic
    geom_point(data = mydataCambAll 
             , aes(x = coords.x1 , y = coords.x2 , fill = Resource) 
             , size = 3.2 , shape = 21 , stroke = 0 , alpha=0.8 , colour = "black")+
    scale_fill_manual(values = myPalette)+
    # Overlapping numbers can't be read so we use geom repel with low repulsion
    geom_text_repel(data = mydataCambAll 
            , aes(x = coords.x1 , y = coords.x2, label = Num , color = Info2) 
            , size = 5.2 , force_pull = 10)+
    # This creates a legend for geom_text that is a series of 'a' 
    # all black that we have to substitute manually
    # The color of geom text in the legend will be changed manually
    guides(color = guide_legend(ncol=5
              , title = "Resources for people experiencing homelessness in Cambridge") 
           , fill = guide_legend(title="Legend" , nrow = 1) )+
        legend.key = element_blank(),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 7 , face = "bold"),
        legend.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 5),
        panel.background = element_blank(),
        plot.background = element_rect(fill='transparent', color=NA),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        legend.background = element_blank(), = element_blank())
# Adjust the legend
# Substitute the 'a' with numbers, 
# change the color and set the fontsize to 7
gAll <- ggplotGrob(myplotAll)
lblsAll <- mydataCambAll$Num
# Now we have two grobs because we added a fill aesthetic
# The second should be geom text
idxAll <- which(sapply(gAll$grobs[[15]][[1]][[2]]$grobs,function(i){
  "label" %in% names(i)}))
for(i in 1:length(idxAll)){
gAll$grobs[[15]][[1]][[2]]$grobs[[idxAll[i]]]$label <- lblsAll[i]
gAll$grobs[[15]][[1]][[2]]$grobs[[idxAll[i]]]$gp$fontsize <- 7
# Change the color to match the one of the resource type
resourceType <- mydataCambAll[ mydataCambAll$Num == lblsAll[i] , "Resource"]
gAll$grobs[[15]][[1]][[2]]$grobs[[idxAll[i]]]$gp$col <- myPalette[resourceType]

# Save as pdf, 2 times an A4
pdf(file.path(myRoot , "Cambridge Homelessness Resources v1.pdf") 
    , width = 22 , height = 17)


Step 5: Add an Info table

The plot above is readable but not particularly informative aside from name and address.

The description is way too big to fit in the map but we can create a separate table and save it in pdf. To Create the table, we will use flextable

colsIwant <- c("Num" , "Info" , "Resource" 
               , "Address" , "City" , "description2")
myTable <- mydataCambAll[ , colsIwant]
colnames(myTable) <- c("Number" , "Name" , "Category" 
                       , "Google Address" , "City" , "Info")
# Let flextable decide the text justification by removing all new lines
myTable$Info <- gsub("\n" , " " , myTable$Info)
myTable$Name <- gsub("\n" , " " , myTable$Name)
# Turn into a flextable
# Every time there is a new category value, draw a black line to separate
flexTab <- flextableize(myTable , lines = "Category" )
# Add big bold colored numbers
flexTab <- flextable::color(flexTab
                          , j = "Number"
                          , color = myPalette[myTable$Category]) %>%
          flextable::fontsize(j = "Number" , size = 10 , part = "body") %>%
          flextable::bold(j = "Number" , part = "body")
# Reduce font of the Info field to make smaller pdfs
flexTab <- flextable::fontsize(flexTab , j = "Info" , size = 4 , part = "body")
# Reduce also the other columns font
flexTab <- flextable::fontsize(flexTab 
                , j = c("Name","Category","Google Address","City") 
                , size = 5 , part = "body")
# Reduce column names size
flexTab <- flextable::fontsize(flexTab 
                , j = colnames(myTable)
                , size = 7 , part = "header")
# Increase the width of the Info Column and Name
flexTab <- flextable::width(flexTab , j = "Info" , width = 30)
flexTab <- flextable::width(flexTab , j = "Name" , width = 10)
# Save as pdf
invisible(save_as_image(flexTab , zoom = 1 , expand = 100 
    , file.path(myRoot, "Cambridge Homelessness Resources v1 table.pdf") ))
# Show the first rows only

Step 6: Split the table and Combine in one pdf

The table we created above cannot be printed easily, it’s too long.

Let’s split it by category and make multiple sheets.

for(i in levels(myTable$Category)){
  myTableCat <- myTable[ myTable$Category == i , ]
  # Every time there is a new category value, draw a black line to separate
  flexTab <- flextableize(myTableCat)
  # Add big bold colored numbers
  flexTab <- flextable::color(flexTab
               , j = "Number"
               , color = myPalette[myTableCat$Category]) %>%
              flextable::fontsize(j = "Number" , size = 10 , part = "body") %>%
              flextable::bold(j = "Number" , part = "body")
  # Reduce font of the Info field to make smaller pdfs
  flexTab <- flextable::fontsize(flexTab , j = "Info" , size = 5 , part = "body")
  # Reduce also the other columns font
  flexTab <- flextable::fontsize(flexTab 
                , j = c("Name","Category","Google Address","City") 
                , size = 6 , part = "body")
  # Reduce column name size
  flexTab <- flextable::fontsize(flexTab 
                , j = colnames(myTableCat)
                , size = 7 , part = "header")
  # Increase the width of the Info Column and Name
  flexTab <- flextable::width(flexTab , j = "Info" , width = 30)
  flexTab <- flextable::width(flexTab , j = "Name" , width = 10)
  # Save as pdf
  save_as_image(flexTab , zoom = 1
    , file.path(myRoot
      , paste0("Cambridge Homelessness Resources v1 table " , i , ".pdf")))

Now let’s create a single pdf using package qpdf and function pdf_combine

pdfs <- file.path(myRoot 
          , c("Cambridge Homelessness Resources v1.pdf"
          , sapply(levels(myTable$Category) , function(i) {
              paste0("Cambridge Homelessness Resources v1 table " , i , ".pdf")
invisible(pdf_combine(input = pdfs , output = file.path(myRoot , "Cambridge Homelessness Resources.pdf")))

There’s definetely room for improvement, for example I would love to be able to export the original symbols of the map or define better boundaries (maybe using OpenMaps?) to enhance visibility, but you can find the final pdf at this link

Take a look, setup the printer to full page, let me know what you think :)

Thank you Eva, from the bottom of my heart.

– Giorgio